Cummins enthusiasm for public welfare development "warm power"

When you lift the engine, what do you think of? Strong power and high torque? These words are suitable to describe a qualified engine , but it seems that such a judgment is not good enough.

Cummins: Carrying a warm heart to add warmth to the community
Cummins: Carrying a warm heart to add warmth to the community

To inject warm blood into this icy mechanical heart, its mission is no longer merely to provide the driver with the ultimate in driving and, more importantly, to contribute to the society. Cummins has always insisted on such an initial heart, adding a warming force to the society.

Poor students have always been the focus of public interest because there are too many stories about them that are touching. Guo Hongyan, a senior high school freshman of Fuyang No. 4 Middle School, has enough experience to touch our hearts. His father died of uremia for many years, and his mother was paranoid. Since she was 12 years old, Guo Hongyan has taken care of the burden of taking care of a year-round bedridden mother. Her life is extremely difficult, but she still persists in her studies and she has achieved excellent results in this year's middle school exam. Fuyang four. Such students need the care and encouragement of the society. The warmth encourages her to move forward. Cummings (Xiangyang) Machining Co., Ltd. and the Liyang Civil Society Volunteers Association hold a large-scale public welfare activity called “Following the Ancient City and Walking for Love”. We donated funds for this strong Yangyang girl. At the same time, I appealed to the general public and people from all walks of life to care for and care for the special group of poor students to help them complete their dreams of study.

Cummings Helps Mechanics Study Dreams
Cummings Helps Mechanics Study Dreams

“Poverty students are a group that needs special attention from the society. On the one hand, they have to face academic pressures. On the other hand, they must also shoulder the burden of the family. Our help can ease the pressure on their lives and help them complete their dream of studying. At the same time, the seeds of love will be sown in their hearts. These need the efforts of each of us.” This is the voice of Cummins employees participating in the event.

Adding warmth to the society is not only reflected in large-scale public welfare activities. Every Cummings employee in the daily life also insists on this kind of heartbeat. A single act can sometimes change the fate of others.

This summer, when three Cummins employees were preparing to travel on the Indianapolis Airport in the United States, it was just one lady who had a heart attack. The three employees immediately took action to help the woman. She immediately sought aspirin and helped the woman to take it. She then supported, encouraged and comforted her until the medical staff arrived at the hospital and transferred it to the hospital.

Cummins Commends Three Helpful Staff
Cummins Commends Three Helpful Staff

The lady’s son is greatly grateful for this. He recently contacted Cummins headquarters and expressed his sincere thanks. He said that a doctor said that if there were no timely help from the three well-meaning people, the situation may be very dangerous. He also mentioned that he was trying to pay tribute to the three employees and wanted to thank them for their help, but one of them said sincerely, “We are in a company that places special emphasis on community service and caring for others, so we really don’t need any return. Just happy and glad that I can help you."

After reading the above two stories, if you ask what is a good engine? Cummings will answer you: In addition to providing strong protection for travel, it is more important to let the community feel warmer.

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