Study on Seed Clarity of Late Rice by Seed Clarity Analysis

The maturity of late rice seeds is influenced by the cultivation methods of late rice, and the seed maturity will directly determine the 1000-grain weight of seeds. By comparing the results of late-season rice varieties, it is known that in the same year, the 1000-grain weight of the same variety as single-season rice is higher than that of continuous cropping rice. For cultivation, the increase in grain weight was 0.3-0.89. This is because when cultivated as a single-season rice, the whole growth period is long and the effective accumulated temperature is high. The early plant growth is robust. The conditions of light and temperature before maturity are adequate and stable. The grain filling is conducive to dry matter accumulation, and the differences among grains are small, so the seeds are uniform. Full, high maturity. Seed clarity analysis is an important instrument for the study of seeds.

According to the provincial standard, the seed moisture control of late japonica rice can be higher than 14.5%, but not higher than 15.0%. The moisture level of the seed pool plays an important role in the clarity. After the test comparison, when the seed moisture is lower than 14.5% (type I), it is easily selected by the refiner of the refiner. 98. % or more; when the seed moisture is in the range of 14.5% to 15.0% (type n), the seed cleanliness can reach or approach 98.0% when the selection operation is properly adjusted; when the seed moisture is higher than 15.0% (type ili), the Machine selection, the degree of clarity can not reach 98.0%, only about 97%. According to the provincial standard, if only one of the four indicators (purity, cleanliness, germination rate, and moisture) is not up to standard, if it is a substandard seed, type 111 is unqualified and cannot be produced.

In the selection of late japonica rice seeds, a wind screening machine is used. Its working principle is: using seed weight and aerodynamic principles for wind selection; according to the seed width and thickness size difference sieve holes selection, at a certain flow rate and The air and the wind were selected for their own lighter weight of the grain and the seed, and then the seeds with the branches (commonly known as the Guardian Valley) and heavy impurities were selected through a certain screen shake.

Obviously, if the moisture exceeds the limit, the weight of the community itself is obviously higher than the weight of the water-falling Akiwa, and only a part of the valley can be selected under the flow rate and air volume of the loquat. Therefore, the net-degree cannot reach 98.0%. The test was carried out on a variety of Xiushui 99--04 type seeds (measured moisture was fine). After multiple tests and comparisons, the flow rate was adjusted to a small degree, the netity was slightly increased, and the daily processing was performed under the same conditions of air volume: constant conditions. The amount of seeds selected is not suitable for the requirement of about 700,000 female seeds per year in selected processing banks; when the flow rate is unchanged, the clarity is slightly increased when the air volume is increased; when the fine selection gate is opened 25% At this flow rate, regardless of high or low air volume, the cleanliness of seeds after selection was high, reaching almost 98. More than %, but at this time there are some good seeds have also been selected, so that the loss of seeds through selection is not a good way to select seeds.

Comprehensive selection machine, analysis of seed cleanliness analysis platform, air flow rate, flow rate, and processing speed of 5 to 6t seed selected daily, using mid-range air volume and gate opening 5. The flow rate of this state is selected and the cleanliness of the obtained seeds can reach 98%. At this time, good seeds are not selected by the wind, and the processing progress is also reasonable. Similarly, when using this optimal state for seed selection by type workers, the resulting seed can have a net clarity of more than 98.5%.

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Feed Pellet Machine

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Shandong Qufu Xingbang Heavy Equipment Co., Ltd. ,