20 Years of Information Construction Interpretation of Yuchai Experience

"The last system could not enter into any world power, but now it is impossible for the media to discuss how informatization can be successful. I don't think there is any practical significance. The key is that informatization should bring benefits to enterprises and help companies succeed. It will take 3 years and 5 years to achieve a certain goal, and now it will be shortened to one year and two years through information technology.This is success.The increase in output, the decrease in inventory, and the increase in benefits are not the functions of IT. As a result, the IT department just provided them with a tool to support innovation. The needs of the business department are the value of the IT department, and both parties are proactive and successful in implementing information technology.” Entering the factory in 1994 and experiencing the Yuchai information Wei Geishu, manager of the Information Technology Department of Yuchai Machinery Co., Ltd., who spent 15 years in construction, told reporters.

(A) Do not use weapon, all to build the information block diagram to help the company progress

March 10 entered Yuchai's factory area. In the first half of 2009, which was expected to be the most difficult economic period, the workshop line that the reporter saw was a busy one. Wu Kai, deputy director of Engine 1 of Yuchai Machinery Co., Ltd. said: “This year, the international financial crisis and the market crisis have a very severe operating environment. Yuchai's production orders in January were only about 50% of the original. Orders in February were suddenly as high as 50,000 units, creating the largest number of orders in February. In March, we will also increase orders by 20% compared to the same period in the past. This made us unprepared to prepare for the most difficult period. In February, the increase in light aircraft was relatively large, and in March, heavy machinery began to increase."

“All factories have invested enough horsepower to invest in a new round of production conferences. Apart from the radiation impact of the central government’s policies on stimulating domestic demand, it is also inseparable from the development of core strengths such as Yuchai’s technology research and development. In 2006, Yuchai Group’s sales revenue reached 140. Billion yuan, more than 18 billion yuan in 2007, exceeded the 20 billion yuan mark for the first time in 2008, achieved the goal of 'rebuilding a Yuchai' in three years, and maintained the first domestic production and sales volume in the same industry for eight years. In the past three years, Yuchai The Group took the lead in launching domestic IV and V diesel engines with intellectual property rights in China and obtained 449 national patents. The products were manufactured in China and moved toward China, achieving an important shift from industrial manufacturing to green manufacturing.” Wu Kai said, “Of course, information In the process, it plays an irreplaceable supporting role. The construction of the information platform has greatly promoted Yuchai’s fine and efficient management.”

Wei Geshao, manager of information technology department of Yuchai Machinery Co., Ltd., told the reporter that Yuchai’s informatization road started earlier. As early as during the “Eighth Five-Year Plan”, he raised 6 million yuan of funds and established his own computer center. . During the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” and “Tenth Five-Year Plan” periods, Yuchai invested 10 million yuan and 54 million yuan respectively, and built and promoted advanced technologies such as computer-aided design, computer-aided manufacturing, and computer integrated manufacturing systems. The high level of investment not only made Yuchai's information construction even more powerful, but also enabled the company's production and management to reach a new level. Yuchai’s production and sales increased by 19% during the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” period compared to the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period; the “Tenth Five-Year Plan” increased by 228.73% over the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” period. Having tasted the sweetness of the tremendous benefits of informatization to enterprises, Yuchai has stepped up efforts to strengthen the construction of information technology. During the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” period, Yuchai spent 75 million yuan to invest in information-based construction to improve the company's overall management.

The revolutionary juvenile Wei Geishu, who claimed to be born in the New China under the leadership of the Red, has a calm and soothing disequilibrium with his age: “The last system cannot enter into any world power. Now the media is discussing how informatization can be successful. I think there is no practical significance.The key point is that informatization should bring benefits to enterprises and help companies succeed.In the past, it took a company three years and five years to reach a certain goal, and now it is shortened to one year and two years through information technology. This is success. How much is increased, how much inventory is reduced, and how much benefit is increased, these are not the functions of IT, they are the result of hard innovation in the business sector, IT departments only provide them with a tool to support innovation.The demand of the business department is the value of the IT department. If business units are not used, what is the value of IT? Both sides are proactive and successful in implementing information technology.”

"My biggest concern is whether the new system has complaints on the line and someone has come to 'trouble' to say that there is a problem. The IT department has come to solve it. This shows that he is using it. I welcome the trouble. If a system is launched, no one will care. I I am very nervous. I think that informationization is a tool to help companies succeed. If no one uses it, the implementation department will not be able to do so. It is useless,” said Weige Shao. “Now, information technology has been integrated into Yuchai’s In every field and every ordinary job, and with its unique charm, it changes the quality of life and work of Yuchai people. As long as the production frontline workers open any production office computer, click the mouse, from raw material procurement, product design, From the production of parts and components to the assembly of various models, the company information that you want to know will be immediately and accurately provided to you.Technical Quality Lines After the employees go to work, they turn on the computer and enter the OA system to see the important information in the company, the tasks in the process, and The first thing that we need to do is to deal with the situation of internal and external information feedback.If Yuchai’s OA system is not normal, it is basically impossible to work. According to company leaders in charge of production, in Yuchai, the number of workers' rest days increased by more than 20 days in 2006, when the output of diesel engines increased by 23% compared with 2005. In the same year, when the production and sales volume increased significantly, the inventory at the end of the year was significantly higher. The average rate of order quantity in 2007 was 73%, and the average accuracy rate of varieties was 71%; over the past two years, the forecast accuracy rate increased by more than 30 percentage points, the sales rate increased by 3%, and the average monthly deposit-to-sell ratio in 2006 was 85%. , a year-on-year drop of 25 percentage points year-on-year in 2005; and a year-on-year decrease of about 20 percentage points in 2007 over the same period in 2006. Due to the accuracy of various information, a single order management of an enterprise has saved a lot of capital cost, and also provided powerful sales for on-time sales. Guarantee."

The experts of the Beijing Science and Technology Commission once said very vividly that ERP is the upper level of enterprise informationization, and the underlying automation is the next level. Only by implementing MES connectivity, information technology can become king. Demand-driven, in 2007 Yuchai and Siemens began a journey to Wang Dao. No matter whether the implementer or the user is talking about MES, it's so calm and calm. This kind of calmness and self-confidence come from the real effect of MES. In their eyes, MES is not a system but a complete management solution. , Has greatly enhanced the management quality of Yuchai Machinery.

(B) MES to achieve information technology "Wang" Road

Given that the construction of MRP in 1994 has been unable to meet the management needs of Yuchai's rapid development, in 2003 the company decided to go online SAP ERP solution, the implementation of this project has become a nightmare of the Department of Information Technology, one side is advanced automated production line A large amount of data cannot be collected and uploaded. On the one hand, there are a large number of invalid data in the enterprise resource management system that are expected to be updated in real time. According to Wu Kai, both upper and lower sets of systems run away, and the role of informationization is greatly reduced. The experts of the Beijing Science and Technology Commission once said very vividly that ERP is the upper level of enterprise informationization, and the underlying automation is the next level. Only by implementing MES connectivity, information technology can become king.

Demand-driven, in 2007 Yuchai and Siemens began a journey to Wang Dao. As the first MES company in the diesel engine industry, the reporter interviewed Wu Nan, who was once deputy director of the No. 1 Engine Plant, was transferred to Wu Nan, deputy manager of the enterprise management department of Yuchai Machinery Co., Ltd., and was the deputy director of technical quality of the current engine plant. Kay, information management department, engine factory technical quality department, production line staff, Siemens engineers who are optimizing the system in the factory, whether it is "director" "starter", or implementer, or user, talk about MES are so calm This calmness and self-confidence come from the tangible effects of MES.

Wu Kai said: "This year is Yuchai's manufacturing informationization year. Deputy Li Ping of the Production Department often said that to understand the production conditions of other workshops, it is necessary to make a phone call and run the site, but the heavy machine shop is not necessary, as long as it is on the computer. By pressing a few keys, you can learn all the information of the heavy machine, the operating dynamics of each engine in each station of each branch line of the entire assembly line, how many units are installed, how many units are produced, and the number of an engine. The engine's progress and other data are updated in real time."

When it comes to the benefits of MES, Chen Hai intuitively gives the most direct data. In the past, the off-line beat of an engine required 210 seconds, and now it has dropped to 180 seconds. "This is just one aspect. The efficiency brought by MES is not a qualitative change at all. It is a revolution in management concepts and greatly enhances Yuchai's management quality." Wu Nan said.

Wu Nan, who has been involved in the management of technology, quality, technology, technical transformation, etc., in the first factory, said: “The MES startup has a strong demand due to the rapid development of the company. With the continuous increase in market demand, the output is one or two times a day. Hundreds of stations have quickly increased to a breakthrough of 1,000 units, and now the output of the first-generation plant has reached 1,300 units a day, and the production of the factory has been unable to adapt to the requirements of the development of enterprises by relying on traditional manual operation management. Employees in the production line must manually record a large amount of information in the transfer order, including technical status information, quality information, production information, material information, as well as employee information, whether qualified information, and then need a group of losers to enter information, one record exists Inaccuracy, entry may also cause mistakes, but also cause information lag.Now the production of such a large amount to achieve meticulous management, there is no automated means to match, support management will be very difficult.If the degree of information in manufacturing is not To change, without technical support, will seriously restrict the development of the enterprise and drag on the hind legs of quality management. "

MES is a revolution in management concepts

The pragmatic Yuchai people had previously considered the differences in production sites and environments between domestic and foreign companies. The introduction of the MES system will surely revolutionize the traditional concept. “This is not a simple system but a complete set of management solutions. It can be improved on this basis without having to explore for too long.” Wu Nan said: “From 2005 to 2008, we went to Yamaha, Mercedes-Benz, Iveco, and Renault to inspect. Their factory is robot plus information technology. The platform has a very high degree of automation, which is inseparable from the previous product design rigorous. And our design and development speed can not be too slow, otherwise we can not keep up with the pace of development of the Chinese auto industry, but quickly lead to the product can not be well applied automation, in product design If you do not design a production line under very mature conditions, you will need to change it during the manufacturing process, you will have problems with assembly, and data acquisition will naturally cause problems. However, I believe that although there are some problems in the process, it can be solved very well. In the process of implementing MES, Yuchai engineers and Siemens engineers jointly explore the requirements. Work, the two sides together to improve, only today's successful line. "

The concept revolution began with the project team members. Wu Nan, a deputy factory manager of technical quality, called on managers to adapt to the changes brought about by MES. Only when they adapt to this change can they adapt to the development of the company. In order to enhance the management level of the entire company. It turns out that people who are interested in changing themselves can keep their own good positions. People who do not progress may lose one day. The MES system also triggered a revolution in the concept of heavy machine shop workers. If they do not meet the requirements of the system and cannot master the system, they will not be able to serve. "This system is not to cause trouble for workers, but to simplify the operation of the workers. Many of the previous procedures, now just press a button, afraid of mistakes, and now become a scan. The beginning of the project, this concept is marked The beginning of the revolution, from the concept of management personnel to operational workers revolution." Wu Nan told reporters.

"In order to introduce advanced things, we must master it. We must study. Thinking naturally will continue to progress. Yuchai has been looking for benchmarks before, but our ultimate goal is to make Yuchai a benchmark for others." Wu Kai said, "Management The model-innovated heavy machine shop has become the benchmark for Yuchai and the talent training base."

MES enhances Yuchai's management quality

The investment in the heavy machine shop production line is as high as more than two billion yuan, which is the first-class in Asia and the level of basic automation is quite high. After Yuchai launched the on-line ERP system, the successful ERP puts another problem in front of it. Above it is an ERP system that invests over 20 million high-end SAPs. Below is an advanced PLC heavily invested, which cannot be connected directly below. A lot of data is at the bottom of sleep, there is no adequate and timely data to provide managers with decision-making support.

"These losses are huge." Wu Nan said, "Automation cannot be integrated with informationization, and it cannot be reflected in the improvement of management. The MES system connects the two upper and lower systems and opens up information islands. After implementing MES, Realize the integrated standard operation of the company's management and workshop management, more effectively shorten the product cycle and improve labor productivity; transform the information technology infrastructure, achieve centralized management of internal information and data, reduce the internal circulation time of information and data; cooperate with supply chain management System, Reduce Supply Chain Costs, Improve Fast Response to Customer Demands, Optimize Customer Service and Improve Company Overall Work Efficiency; Shorten Time for Financial System Data Statistics, Accelerate Quick Account Closing; Generate Plans Based on Real-Time Data Are More Correct and Timely Reflecting the entire production situation, MES is the carrier of fine management, and it is the verification and control system for the implementation of relevant technical specifications, quality specifications, and management specifications. All previous errors in business management activities can be discovered and improved during the operation of the MES system. ERP orders to MES, enters workshop level In management, orders are broken down into sub-work orders for each sub-line. Sub-work orders are producers' task orders. Producers collect the information of the production process under the task list. When finished, the related production process information of the task list is reflected in the system. This includes the quality data of automatic equipment, equipment status, operating personnel, product installed files, etc. It is easy to find the order and the station where the product is located, and the order is completed when the order-related task order is completed. The system automatically completes material backflushing."

Speaking of MES, Wu Kai gave reporters a list of many new changes in the factory. The first was “quick”. The data collection was collected from the fastest time on the same day and the second day was input. When the number was large, it could lag one month to the present site. Everything is accurate and implemented accurately. As a previous circulation of information recording and delivery vehicles, it will exit the workshop in May. Based on this rapidity, the Quality Warning Department established by the Quality Department this year uses the data extracted from the MES to establish quality warnings, finds problems in advance, and strives to take shape in June. This has not been possible before. Another fast is reflected in the cost management. Yuchai's production base is located in the remote Yulin, Guangxi. Parts and other logistics costs are higher than others. The cost of waste is also present. With the MES system, the data clearly tells you how much material is consumed. How many materials need to be replenished, there is no blindness when scheduling production, and there is no blindness on the scene, and the ultimate goal of manufacturing informatization is to reduce manufacturing costs to counterparts and similar diesel engines, and to minimize the same quality.

Secondly, using the MES to implement the error protection function means that the material and production standard specifications received from the site can be matched at the assembly site. If there is a difference system, an alarm will be provided to alert the site against mistakes. Yuchai's products are characterized by low-volume, multi-variety, flexible production. The types of spare parts involved are numerous and there are many similar spare parts. If you choose improperly, you have to rework. Now MES has monitored. There is also an innovation that is linked to the code, to achieve a combination of packaging and the whole machine.

The reporter learned from the interview that the success of the first generation plant laid a solid foundation for the promotion of manufacturing informatization in Yuchai, and the seven new production lines with automation will be newly opened. In the future, Yuchai’s production management will enter the information age. .


“I have a dream” when a reporter asked what kind of informatization Chen Hai idealized, he said, “There is a joke in the West that it is to catch the pig from the production line and the other head directly out of the sausage. Our dream is Once this part enters, it will be able to produce a qualified engine through the system without the need for too much management and intervention.” With MES as a transportation hub, PDM and ERP are implemented, PLC, MES, QAS and ERP On the basis of seamless integration, in 2009, Yuchai brought MES and PDM data integration to the work schedule, enabling real-time feedback of manufacturing process data to the design R&D department, better reference of processes in the design process, and improved product design quality. At this point, Yuchai realized the design data source, production data source and ERP across the board.

(c) "I have an informational dream"

“I have a dream that there is a joke in the West that catches the pig from the production line and the other one directly out of the sausage. Our dream is that this part goes in and goes through the system and does not require too much management and intervention. It will be able to produce a qualified engine.” In the training room of the engine factory workshop where melodious music was played, Chen Hai described the informationization of the ideal to reporters.

When the reporter asked why the content of the Siemens PLM product written on the classroom blackboard, Chen Hai said that based on the seamless integration of PDM and ERP, PLC, MES, QAS and ERP, we are seeking product design data platform and MES production. The on-site data platform integrates interfaces, which was put on the agenda in 2009. First, the original two systems had to be managed by two groups of people. The cost was high, and the second was that the system's greatest advantage was not played.

After the implementation of the system can be a large number of data collection, induction, sorting, accumulation of a large number of field data can not only analyze the prevention of quality defects, these information will be used to control the adjustment process, and the formation of a healthy PLC interaction. If the real-time data and design data of the production site are combined, the verification information obtained in the production system can be directly fed back to the design department and engineering institute, facilitating the designer to interact with the manufacturing and process in the research and development stage, and reduce the process cost of the product. The two-way flow of data in each system enables enterprises to interact in a benign manner from design, manufacturing, process, and management. Informatization will form a true synergy. Yuchai, a power-driven aircraft carrier, is under the powerful drive of informationization to grow ice in the cold winter.

"With strong demand, with mature technology and high-level support, success is a matter of hand-to-hand."

(IV) No blindness before implementation, enjoyment after implementation, and comprehension of three major success factors of Yuchai’s experience

"The implementation of informatization must have allies, that is, the business sector, otherwise it will be difficult." Wei Wei Shao summary. “Informationization is a bitter experience”. This is a word that reporters often hear in interviews for many years. However, Wu Nan said that Yuchai is happy to implement informatization because it is not blind before implementation and will enjoy it after implementation.

Wu Nan believes that the implementation of informatization has three major factors for success: it must be a strong demand from the business; the information department should guide the informatization construction; and the high level should strongly support it.

Demand-driven is the first priority, followed by the adjustment of departmental functions and the increase of informationization duties in the Ministry of Manufacturing Technology. IT is only an advanced tool. The information department is not very understanding of the specific business. If there is no manufacturing technology department as a user to participate, the entire company's manufacturing informatization level cannot be improved. With the development of technology, manufacturing technology has not been supported by IT technology and has come to an end. Which areas IT technology participates in and which areas can develop rapidly? However, if IT technology is independent, it will not be able to produce maximum performance. The factory focuses on process, equipment, and production. These are the main themes. IT is the support and it is necessary to clarify this relationship. For Yuchai to continue its success, it is necessary to change the adjustment function. The business department will feedback the demand information to the IT department and the two sides will form a positive interaction. The demand of the business department is the value of the information department. Straightening out this relationship will make the conflict a happy job. If there is no demand, talk about value.

Yuchai has a very good executive culture. Unless there are major events involved, others do not need to frequently report to leaders and perform their duties. This also lays a good institutional foundation for advancement of informationization.

Informatization has always had the title of "one-to-many" project. Wu Nan thinks that senior leaders need strong support and need high-level dispatch resources, and press the start button. With strong demand, with high-level support and mature technology, success is a matter of hand-to-hand.

The implementation of informatization is a continuous process. It is a generation after generation of people to continuously explore, advance, and continuously improve. At the end of the interview, Wu Nan proposed that an information-based science evaluation system should be established to assess the value of informationization. This is an issue that information workers urgently need to solve.